Life is not about having but about being. As long as you look for happiness only in things, these things are never enough, to find happiness look around, look inside yourself.
Life is not about having but about being. As long as you look for happiness only in things, these things are never enough, to find happiness look around, look inside yourself.
Expert Approach
• Premarital counseling based on clinical and objective assessment of personality (SWAP)
• Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP) for interpersonal conflicts and adulthood disorders
• Providing psychotherapy services for adults since 1392
Educational Experience
• PhD in Psychology from Tehran University of Science and Research
• Master’s degree in personality psychology from Azad University, Sari branch
• Bachelor of Psychology from Allameh Tabatabai University
Scientific-Research Records
• Teaching and holding various workshops
• Research in different fields of personality disorders
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