Strong and healthy communication keeps both parties away from all kinds of psychological problems. Research has confirmed that good communication and social relationships improve people’s mental and physical health and bring peace. So you have to learn to improve your relationships so that you can have less stress and also feel good and useful.
According to the research of consultants, there are some mental disorders that affect people’s close relationships with their spouses, children, family, friends, colleagues, etc. In this text, we refer to very close relationships that have a great impact on improving people’s mental health. Relationship breakdown and failure have a great impact on a person’s mental condition, and the possibility of leading a person to depression and anxiety is very high.
Reasons of emotional stress
Emotional stress causes a lot of damage to our lives and causes strong reactions. Our relationships greatly affect our lives – for better or for worse.
The right relationship can bring good times, but it also brings resources in times of need, more flexibility in times of stress, and even longevity. However, antagonistic and “hostile” relationships can worsen our emotional life and can even cause physical harm.
But you should keep in mind that relationships are not the only cause of emotional stress. Financial crises, an unpleasant work environment, or a host of other stressors can contribute to emotional stress and tempt us into unhealthy behaviors to escape pain, especially when the situation is hopeless.
Prevention of emotional stress
The good news is that if you cannot fix these situations overnight, you can reduce the emotional stress you feel and the effects of this stress. Here are some exercises you can try to combat emotional stress.
It is better to always be busy
In fact, it is always implied that if we don’t express whatever mood we feel. They show themselves in other ways. In some ways, this is true. Examining our emotional states to learn what our emotions are trying to tell us. It has benefits, and “stuffing our emotions” in unhealthy ways can bring other problems.
Distracting yourself from emotional pain with emotionally healthy alternatives—such as a feel-good movie, fun activities with friends, or a satisfying mental challenge—has been found to reduce emotional pain and help us feel good feelings. Replace negative thoughts.
Learn Mindfulness
When we feel emotional stress, we may also experience it as physical pain. It is possible to feel a “heaviness” in the chest, an uneasy feeling in the stomach, or a headache.
Trying to escape from these feelings is completely natural, but it can actually have the effect of going into a deeper experience and seeking help from mindfulness. To really understand where these emotional responses are physically felt.
Meditation can calm you down
Meditation is very useful for fighting various types of stressors, and emotional stress is one of the stressors that meditation can treat. This allows you to prevent rumination by actively directing your thoughts. And it offers an exercise in choosing thoughts that can help to eliminate some emotional stress in the long run.
Planning in reality that stress makes you feel bad
If you find that emotional stress and rumination are overwhelming your consciousness and distraction is not working. Make up hypotheticals, replay uncomfortable exchanges, or do anything that sparks emotional desire. It’s best to schedule time—perhaps an hour a day—where you allow yourself to fully think through your situation and explore solutions.
Journaling is a great strategy to try. Especially if it comes as both an exploration of your inner emotional world and an exploration of potential solutions. If you want, talk to your friends about the problem. Immerse yourself completely. And then try some healthy distractions.
This technique works well for two reasons, if you have a craving, it allows you to satisfy that craving in a limited context, and the rest of the day may feel more relaxed, because you know That there is time to focus on the emotional situation.
Get in touch with a consultant
If you feel that your emotional stress level is interfering with your daily activities. or threatens your health in other ways. It is possible to see a counselor for help in treating emotional problems. Whatever the cause of your emotional stress, you can try to reduce and manage it and feel better in the process, without losing the “messages” that your emotions bring.