What is depression?

are you depressed In this article, some of the symptoms of depression are mentioned and how they can be different depending on age, gender and other factors.


What is depression?


Feeling sad from time to time is a normal part of life, but when feelings like hopelessness take over and don’t go away, you may be depressed. Depression can change the way you think, feel, and function in daily activities. It can interfere with your ability to work, study, eat, sleep, and enjoy life.

While some people describe depression as “living in a black hole” or having a sense of impending doom, others feel listless, empty, and apathetic. Men in particular can feel angry and restless. If you experience this problem, but do not think about treatment, it can become a serious problem for your health. But it’s important to remember that feelings of helplessness and hopelessness are symptoms of depression, not the reality of your situation.


10 common signs and symptoms of depression



  • feeling of hopelessness; A bleak outlook on things, as if nothing will ever get better and there is nothing you can do to improve your situation.
  • Loss of interest in daily activities. You no longer care about hobbies, social activities, or sex. You have lost your ability to feel joy and pleasure.
  • Change in appetite or significant weight loss or gain
  • Sleep position changes or you experience insomnia, especially waking up in the early hours of the morning, or oversleeping.
  • Irritability or irritability. Feeling agitated, restless, or even violent. Your tolerance level is low and everything and everyone gets on your nerves.
  • Loss of energy. Feeling tired, lazy and drained of energy. You may feel overwhelmed, and even small tasks seem tedious or take too long to complete.
  • Self-hatred. Intense feelings of worthlessness or guilt. You are highly critical of yourself for mistakes and perceived errors.
  • Reckless behaviors. You engage in behaviors such as substance abuse, gambling, reckless driving, or dangerous sports.
  • Trouble concentrating, making decisions, or remembering things.
  • Inexplicable pains. Increase in physical complaints such as headache, back pain, muscle pain and stomach pain.



Depression vs. Anxiety


While anxiety and depression are different conditions, they stem from the same biological vulnerability, so they often go hand in hand. Anxiety can both appear as a symptom of depression and can cause depression in the first place. In fact, studies show that more than 40 percent of people with major depression also suffer from an anxiety disorder.


Some of the symptoms between the two conditions can also look very similar, making it difficult to differentiate between the conditions. Irritability, anger, and unexplained pain, and changes in energy levels, concentration, and sleep patterns can occur in both depression and anxiety. Even the persistent negative thoughts commonly associated with depression can feel a lot like the endless worry of anxiety.


However, there are also distinct differences. While the symptoms of depression and anxiety can look very different in different people, the following may help distinguish between the conditions:

  • In non-anxiety depression, you are likely to feel sluggish and lifeless with little motivation to do anything. With anxiety, you are likely to feel tense and angry with an anxious mind.
  • In depression without anxiety, you may feel hopeless and helpless about your future. With anxiety, you’re more likely to worry about the future over and over again, feeling scared and nervous, but thinking that your worry may be the key to alleviating those fears.
  • If you are experiencing symptoms of anxiety at the same time as your depression, it is important to seek treatment for both conditions. Because the two are so closely related, many of the self-help and treatment options that work for anxiety also help manage depression symptoms.


Is this depression or bipolar disorder (manic depression)?


Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, involves serious changes in mood, energy, thinking, and behavior. Because it is so similar to depression in the low stage, it is often overlooked and misdiagnosed. And it can become a serious problem because taking antidepressants for bipolar disorder can make a person’s condition worse.


Symptoms and symptoms of bipolar disorder


If you’ve ever gone through episodes where you feel overly euphoric, have a reduced need for sleep, rush thoughts, and impulsive behavior, consider an evaluation for bipolar disorder.


Other conditions that can mimic the symptoms of depression


And bipolar disorder isn’t the only condition that can be mistaken for depression. Just as depression can be caused by other health problems, there are also psychological and medical conditions that can mimic the symptoms of depression. Like:


  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Symptoms such as restlessness, difficulty concentrating, irritability and loss of motivation It can occur in both depression and ADHD. Even if your ADHD symptoms went undiagnosed as a child, that doesn’t mean they won’t affect you as an adult.


  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Persistent fatigue, changes in sleep patterns, and difficulty concentrating can also indicate chronic fatigue syndrome (myalgic encephalomyelitis) or long-term covid, where the effects of covid-19 even when It remains that the test of this virus is no longer positive. While there is still much that medical professionals do not fully understand about this condition, there are still things you can do to reduce your symptoms and make you feel better.


  • Parkinson’s disease. The lack of energy, slow movements, and changes in mood and memory that often accompany Parkinson’s disease can closely resemble the symptoms of depression in older adults.
  • Fibromyalgia. The widespread musculoskeletal pain caused by fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is often associated with sleep, fatigue, and mood changes that may be mistaken for depression. Other sources of chronic pain can also cause you frustration and fatigue.


  • Other physical conditions such as diabetes, hypothyroidism, anemia, low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) and vitamin D deficiency can also cause symptoms similar to depression. Blood tests and other screening procedures by a health care professional can help identify whether these conditions are causing your symptoms.


Depression and risk of suicide


Depression is a major risk factor for suicide. Deep despair and hopelessness can make suicide the only way to escape the pain. If a loved one has depression, take any suicidal talk or behavior seriously and watch for warning signs:


  • Talking about suicide or self-harm.
  • Strong expression of disappointment.
  • Constantly thinking about death or dying.
  • Recklessness in behavior, as if they are not afraid of death (for example, high speed and reckless driving).
  • Calling or meeting others to say goodbye or break up.
  • Arrangement of affairs (donating precious assets and property).
  • Saying statements like “everyone would be better off without me”.
  • Sudden change from a very sad state to a calm and happy person.




How symptoms of depression differ by gender and age


Depression often varies by age and gender, with symptoms varying between men and women, or youth and adults.


  • Men

Depressed men are less likely to accept feelings of self-loathing and hopelessness. Instead, they complain of fatigue, irritability, sleep problems, and loss of interest in their work and hobbies. They are also more likely to experience symptoms such as anger, aggression, reckless behavior, and substance abuse.


  • Women

Women are more likely to experience symptoms such as guilt, excessive sleep, overeating, and weight gain. Depression in women is influenced by hormonal factors during menstruation, pregnancy and menopause. In fact, postpartum depression affects one in seven postpartum women.


  • teenagers

Irritability, anger, and restlessness are often the most noticeable symptoms in depressed teens. They may also complain of headaches, stomachaches, or other physical pains.


  • Older adults

Older adults tend to complain more about physical signs and symptoms than emotional symptoms, things like fatigue, unexplained pain, and memory problems. They may also become careless about their appearance and stop taking medications that are vital to their health.


next step

In addition to age and gender, depression symptoms can also vary depending on the type or severity of your depression. Remember, understanding the type of depression you’re dealing with can help you find the most effective solutions to overcome the problem and start feeling better again.


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